Download our co-authored ebook and get the chance to win a Bambuser Academy masterclass

Download our co-authored ebook and get the chance to win a Bambuser Academy masterclass

Learn what it takes to launch expert Live Shopping experiences from the best in the business.

Sign up to the Bambuser newsletter below to download your copy of the Bambuser and Salesforce ebook and to be automatically included in the competition draw.

the estimated worth of the US Live Shopping industry by 2023
Live Shopping accounts for 10% of all ecommerce in China today
the estimated worth of the Live Shopping industry in China today

Masterclasses information

Win a tailored Bambuser Academy masterclass tailored to your needs delivered by Head of Bambuser Academy, Cecilia Demant.

Bambuser Academy advises the world’s top performers in Live Shopping so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

The winner will be contacted via email before October 7 2022.

Choose your masterclass

How to create content that converts
How to drive traffic to your shows
How to create a Live Shopping strategy
How to succeed as a Live Shopping host

Duration: 90+ mins


