Cookie Policy

Effective Date: Mar 30, 2021

At Bambuser, we want to be as transparent as possible with our policies. On this page, you will find all relevant information on what cookies we use, how we use them, and why.

We may automatically collect Information using “cookies”, files saved on the computer’s hard drive and used to make the web experience better. One way we do this is to store preferences from one session to another. 

Among other things, cookies help us analyze our web page flow, customize our Service, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. Certain features are only available through the use of cookies, and generally we need to use cookies to help identify you and maintain your signed-in status. 

You are always free to decline Website cookies via your browser settings or through our "cookie banner", although doing so may interfere with your use of the Website. You may encounter cookies from third parties.

In addition to the third party cookies found on our website, the Bambuser service also uses cookies to allow our clients to measure and use data related to their Live Video Shows.

Third-party cookies on the Bambuser web

Third-party cookies on fall into two categories:

  • necessary 
  • performance, analytics, and advertising 

The descriptions below can help you determine what cookie preferences you have.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies help function as intended. For example, these cookies detect problems, bugs and errors.

Performance, analytics and advertising cookies

These cookies enable or improve communication between Bambuser and visitors on the website. They have features that help us with three key insights:

  1. Recognize users prior interactions with the website.
  2. Identify how our website is being used, and what content is valuable. 
  3. Understand and measure the effects of our marketing campaigns.

Recognizing previous interactions helps Bambuser guide you through our website content. Identifying current behavior allows us to tailor our advertising to be more relevant. Analyzing our marketing campaigns helps us develop future campaigns and offerings.

Bambuser may share these cookies with other organizations, such as Google and LinkedIn. We only use performance, analytics and advertising cookies from trusted parties. For more on how we may use the information stored in advertising cookies, see “remarketing”.

You can choose not to receive these cookies on your device. This may have a negative impact on your experience with Bambuser.

Among other things, cookies help us analyze our web page flow, customize our Service, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. Certain features are only available through the use of cookies, and generally we need to use cookies to help identify you and maintain your signed-in status. 

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually choose to set your browser to remove cookies and to reject cookies. If you choose to remove or reject cookies, this could affect certain features of our Service. For further information about cookies, including how to refuse cookies, please visit

Cookies on fall into two categories:

  • necessary 
  • performance, analytics, and advertising 

The descriptions below can help you determine what cookie preferences you have.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies help function as intended. For example, these cookies detect problems, bugs and errors.

Performance, analytics and advertising cookies

These cookies enable or improve communication between Bambuser and visitors on the website. They have features that help us with three key insights:

  1. Recognize users prior interactions with the website.
  2. Identify how our website is being used, and what content is valuable. 
  3. Understand and measure the effects of our marketing campaigns.

Recognizing previous interactions helps Bambuser guide you through our website content. Identifying current behavior allows us to tailor our advertising to be more relevant. Analyzing our marketing campaigns helps us develop future campaigns and offerings.

Bambuser may share these cookies with other organizations, such as Google and LinkedIn. We only use performance, analytics and advertising cookies from trusted parties. For more on how we may use the information stored in advertising cookies, see “remarketing”.

You can choose not to receive these cookies on your device. This may have a negative impact on your experience with Bambuser.

The following is an illustrative list of the cookies that may be used and installed on your computer or device:

Name Purpose Duration Source Type
_ga, _gat, _utmX, _gid, id, _gcl_au Site analytics Varies, session to 2 years Google Analytical
_hjIncludedInSample, _hjid Site analytics session Hotjar Analytical
__hstc, hubspotutk Marketing 13 months Hubspot Analytical
JSESSIONID, lang, BizoX, bscookie Marketing Varies, session to 6 months LinkedIn Analytical
__stripe_mid Payment provider 1 year Stripe Functional


Functional – these cookies are necessary for the Website to function properly.

Analytical – these cookies allow us to understand how visitors use our Website, so we can measure and improve how the Website works.

Duration – cookies may be session-only, in which they expire at the end of each browser session, or may expire at a certain date.

Do Not Track Disclosure

We do not engage in the collection of Personal Data from users across third party sites or applications.

Services Via Third Party Applications

We may provide Services functionality via or to third party applications. In such context, we collect Information such as device IP address, device model, brand, operating system, version, language/country and timezone, network and connection information. Any Personal Data that may be collected by third parties is subject to third parties’ policies and practices, over which we exercise no control. We will not be liable for the acts and omissions of such third parties or for any loss of privacy, use or control of data caused by such third parties. You must contact such third party application developers for any requests, questions or concerns you may have regarding your Personal Data and data collected via such third party applications.

Live Video Shopping Purchase Tracking & Cookies

Purchase tracking is Bambuser's feature which tracks how much revenue a certain show brings. It does that via setting up cookies on the viewer's browser once they first initiate the show (clicking on a CTA button). The tracking gives a show a measurable "score" which can, among other things, be used to constantly improve your live stream shows.

There are currently 4+1 Cookies being set once that happens in the player. Each cookie has a different name, expiration date and purpose. The two first items in the table below are used for specific products respectively, but the remaining four are common.

Name Description Duration
_bamls_lits The One-to-Many Product only: Timestamp for the last known interaction in a Bambuser show. This is used in conjunction with _bamls_shid to measure at what point in time, after a user viewed a show, the actual purchase was made. 30 days
_bamls_caid The One-to-One Product only: Unique identifier for the last Bambuser One-to-One call that the user had on the merchant site. Used to attribute Bambuser statistics to a specific customer interaction. 30 days
_bamls_usid Unique identifier for a user. Used to attribute Bambuser statistics to a single site user. 1 year
_bamls_shid Unique identifier for a Bambuser show. Used to attribute statistics to a single show. This also - similar to source/medium in Google Analytics - enables attribution of purchases (that do not occur within the embedded stream) towards the show. 30 days
_bamls_seid Unique identifier for a session in which a Bambuser show was watched. Used in tracking to attribute statistics to a single session. 30 minutes
_bamls_cuid Unique identifier for the merchant. Used as a common denominator for all tracking performed by Bambuser to easily enable reporting and dashboards per merchant. 1 year

Notice that all the cookies are show-related and do not track any personal data


If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at