April 2022

Influencers vs In-House Experts. Who Should Host Your Next Live Show?

We’ve collected insights from Bambuser’s in-house livestreaming experts to help you choose the right host for your next live show.


1. Viewing figures

Which host gets the highest views per show?

Influencers - 700+

In-house experts - 340+

When it comes to measuring the success of a Live Video Shopping show, one of the most important stats is the number of people tuning in.

Bambuser’s data tells us that influencers attract almost double the amount of viewers than in-house experts because of their ability to bring their own audience with them.

So, if your brand wants to be seen by as many people as possible, Bambuser suggests partnering with a famous or influential face to be your host, and use their platform to advertise your show before going live.


2. Average Viewing Time

Which host keeps viewers engaged for longer?

Influencers - 12mins
In-house - 9mins

Another vital KPI you need to track to understand how engaging your livestreams are is your audience’s average viewing time.

Bambuser’s data shows that influencers keep customers engaged for an average of just over 12 minutes, which is incredible considering traditional static product pages are lucky to keep them for longer than just one minute.

Despite influencers taking the lead with viewing time, in-house experts really aren’t far behind, keeping viewers engaged for over nine minutes on average.

What does this mean? You can expect better engagement with influencers, but you can also rely on in-house experts to be a familiar face to your customers and create lasting relationships with them.


3. Add-to-cart rate

Which hosts convince customers to add your products to their carts more?

Influencers - 7%
In-house experts - 6%

Add-to-cart rate is a data point ecom professionals can use to gauge how effective hosting Live Video Shopping on a native site really is.

This stat shows what percentage of viewers hit the add-to-cart button and sheds light on whether the livestream convinced their audience to want to buy the products shown.  

Once again, the excitement of viewers getting product information from a well-recognized figure tips the scales for influencers, but not by much.

Bambuser recommends using influencers who you have an established relationship with to encourage spikes in purchases, but also leveraging relationships between in-house experts and customers to create dependable, long-term revenue streams.


4. The recipe for success?

Use influencers to create spikes and your in-house experts as familiar faces

What’s the secret to leveraging influencers?

Use famous faces to go big.

Influencers are the perfect way to maximize your audience, attract new customers and create spikes in sales.

For the best results, Bambuser recommends utilizing them strategically on one-off shows with bigger budgets for activations such as product launches or exclusive promotions.  

Where can your in-house brand experts make a difference?

Utilize them as friendly, familiar faces to nurture dependable, evergreen sales opportunities.

Your in-house experts can not only add a human touch to your ecom, but they can help boost conversion and brand loyalty by becoming the face your customers associate with your brand.

For the best results, Bambuser recommends going live at least once a week to showcase products with an in-house host.

Once each show is complete, display it alongside the featured product on your site to provide your customers with more information and increase the likelihood of sales.


Are you missing out?

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If you’re already a Bambuser customer and want to find out more about how to utilize influencers, our in-house agency, Relatable can help you create an efficient influencer strategy with relevant creators to maximize your Live Video Shopping success.

Reach out to your Bambuser point of contact to find out more.

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